Discretionary Decisions in Capital Requirements Under Solvency II

Nicolaus Grochola and Sebastian Schlütter
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice


Sectoral Asset Concentrations and Insurance Solvency Regulation

Helmut Gründl and Fabian Regele
Journal of Insurance Regulation


Homeownership Rates, Housing Policies, and Co-Residence Decisions

Nils Grevenbrock, Alexander Ludwig and Nawid Siassi
Macroeconomic Dynamics


Exploring the Market Risk Profiles of US and European Stock Insurers

Nicolaus Grochola, Mark J. Browne, Helmut Gründl and Sebastian Schlütter
Risk Management and Insurance Review


Nachhaltigkeitsregulierung des Finanzbereichs im Allgemeinen und produktbezogene Offenlegungspflichten im Versicherungsbereich im Besonderen

Manfred Wandt and Gerrit Lüders
Zeitschrift für Versicherungsrecht, Haftungs- und Schadensrecht


Responsible Investments in Life Insurers' Optimal Portfolios Under Solvency Constraints

Sebastian Schlütter, Emmanuel S. Fianu and Helmut Gründl
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft


Optimal Taxes on Capital in the OLG Model with Uninsurable Idiosyncratic Income Risk

Dirk Krüger, Alexander Ludwig and Sergio Villalvazo
Journal of Public Economics


Scenario-based Measurement of Interest Rate Risks

Sebastian Schlütter
Journal of Risk Finance


The Modern Tontine: An Innovative Instrument for Longevity Risk Management in an Aging Society

Jan-Hendrik Weinert and Helmut Gründl
European Actuarial Journal